ARTE G.E.I.E. Apps

*** ARTE: Discover a selection of ARTEprogrammes available in your language ***Compatible with ChromecastAll of ARTE in a single appCheck out your favourite categories to stream:- History- Discovery- ARTE Concert- Culture- Cinema- Politics and societyPLAYLISTSThe best of ARTE programming sorted into handy themed playlists.Watch what you want, when you want, on the device of yourchoice.LANGUAGESChoose the language of the video directly from within the player.Your options are: French, German, English, Spanish and Polish. Youcan change the language of the app within the setting menu.MY ARTEBecome a member of My ARTE to create your favourites list andreceive our newsletterOTHER ARTE APPSExperience ARTE 360 us to improve! If you have any suggestions, write to us:"All of ARTE's apps: legal reasons, this video is geoblocked. Some of our content inEnglish is not available to view outside of Europe.
Anne Frank au Pays du Manga
Au Japon, « le journal d'Anne Frank » reste uninusable best-seller. A tel point que son destin tragique est mêmeréinterprété en manga.Que révèle ce succès sur la mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondialeau sein de la société nippone ?Découvrez ce voyage en BD documentaire interactive pour comprendrece qui, de la Shoah et d’Hiroshima, peut — ou non — constituer uneexpérience commune au Japon et à l’Europe.Un récit multimédia d'Alain Lewkowicz, Vincent Bourgeau, SamuelPott et Marc Sainsauve, coproduit par Subreal et Arte France, etdéveloppé par IQ12.L'application comprend un prologue, 4 chapitres, 60 pages de BDanimées et sonorisées, plus de 50 minutes de vidéos, 45 minutesd'audio et 169 photos.Pour pouvoir télécharger l’ensemble des contenus disponibles ausein de l’application vous devez disposer d’une connexion Wi-FI etd’un minimum de 400 Mo d’espace disponible.In Japan, "The Diary ofAnne Frank" remains an indestructible bestseller. So much so thateven his tragic fate is reinterpreted in manga.What does this success to the memory of World War II in Japanesesociety?Discover this trip BD interactive documentary to understand whatthe Holocaust and Hiroshima, may - or may not - be a commonexperience in Japan and Europe.A multimedia story Alain Lewkowicz, Vincent Bourgeau, Samuel Pottand Marc Sainsauve, co-produced by Arte France and Subreal, anddeveloped by IQ12.The application includes a prologue, 4 chapters, 60 pages of comicsand animated with sound, plus 50 minutes of video, 45 minutes ofaudio and 169 pictures.To download all available content in the application you must havea Wi-Fi connection and a minimum of 400 MB of availablespace.
Cuisine d'ARTE 1.1.2
L’application Cuisine d'ARTE vous faitremonter aux origines de la gastronomie européenne, elle vousemmène dans les terroirs qui n’ont jamais perdu leurs traditionsculinaires, qui ont toujours su apprécier les produits des champs,des prés, de la pêche.Cette appli vous emmène dans un voyage gustatif dans d’innombrablespays, et vous fournira toutes les indications pour préparer chezvous les plats les plus divers. Partez à la découverte sensorielledes gastronomies locales ! Avec, bien sûr, les recettes, maisaussi, dans des webisodes, des infos sur la région et seshabitants.Faites votre marché dans les centaines de recettes traditionnelles,goûtez les spécialités inconnues et découvrez celles quideviendront votre plat favori ! Que vous soyez maître-queux oudébutant, à l’aide des indications qui détaillent chaque étape dela préparation, la réussite est garantie !L’embarras du choix ? Vous pouvez, pour commencer, indiquer dans larecherche s’il s’agit d’un plat de résistance, d’un hors d’œuvre oud’un dessert. Mais aussi sélectionner le pays de votre choix, ou uningrédient particulier.Vous avez choisi une recette ? Consultez alors votre liste decourse. Vous avez trouvé votre nouveau plat favori ? Sauvegardez-lesur l’appli !L’appli Cuisine d'ARTE, c’est* Une interface simple et esthétique* Une base de données importante qui ne cesse de croître* Des informations sur le terroir d’Europe sélectionné* Une liste de courses et un mémo faciles à repérer* Une recherche multicritères par type de plat, pays ouingrédientsSur l’appli Cuisine d'ARTE, la cuisine, c’est la vie !The kitchen ARTE takesyou back to the origins of European food application, it takes youinto the land which have never lost their culinary traditions thathave always appreciated the products of fields, meadows,fishing. App takes you on a culinary journey in countless countries, andwill provide all the information to prepare you the most diversedishes. Go to sensory discovery of local cuisines! With, of course,recipes, but also in webisodes, information about the area and itsinhabitants. Do your shopping in the hundreds of traditional recipes, taste theunknown specialties and discover those that will become yourfavorite dish! Whether you're a master chef or a beginner, withindications that detail every step of the preparation, success isguaranteed! Spoilt for choice? You can begin to indicate in the search if it isa main dish, a appetizers or dessert. But also select the countryof your choice, or a particular ingredient. You've chosen a recipe? Please consult your shopping list. You havefound your new favorite food? Save it on the application! App kitchen ARTE is* A simple and attractive interface* A large database which is growing* Information on European soil selected* A shopping list and memo easy to spot* A multi-criteria search by type of dish, country oringredients App Kitchen ARTE, cooking, that's life!
Cinemacity 1.5
Cinemacity geolocates film clips throughoutParis in the very locations where they were shot.Experience cinema differently, explore the city in a new andexciting way.The Cinemacity app functions as a travel companion during yourcinewalks.With Cinemacity you will be able to:• Discover and view hundreds of film clips geolocated throughoutParis.• Let yourself be guided by the app by choosing one of manyavailable walks centered around monuments, actors, orfilmmakers.• Immerse yourself in the Belleville neighborhood thanks to “Tag,”a fiction-walk split into five 3-minute episodes, directed by IlanCohen and specially produced for Cinemacity. “Tag” will take youaround a magical and mysterious Belleville. Other fiction-walkswill be made available in the coming months.• Synchronize your cinewalks in order to use the app on the streetin offline mode. No more network access problems, all of thecontent (text, photos, and videos) will be downloaded to youriPhone/iPad/iPadMini so that you can enjoy your walk under optimalconditions.Please note, you must be less than 300 meters from a geolocatedclip in order to view it.The app is available in French, English, and German.Cinemacity is produced by Arte and Small Bang studio, with thesupport of the CNC, and in partnership with Paris City Hall and theForum des Images.Enjoy your walk!Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.Please visit our website: us on Facebook:
ARTE Radio 1.0
Reportages, témoignages et bruits pas sages àvolonté. Mini-fictions comiques, cartes postales du monde,documentaires intimes ou politiques... Plus de 1500 programmes à lademande et des nouveautés chaque semaine. La référence de lacréation radio sans commentaire ni publicité.Reports, stories andsounds naughty at will. Comic mini-fictions, postcards of theworld, intimate political documentaries ... Over 1,500 on-demandprograms and new every week. The reference creation without commentor radio advertising.
Culture Touch, ARTE weekly 1.2.1
Culture Touch: the latest in culture as seenon ARTE in a digital weekly magazine.Every Friday, Culture Touch brings you a selection of the mostinteresting exhibitions, shows, films, books, albums and events tokeep you up to date with everything that's happening in the worldof culture.Culture Touch also gives you a fantastic overview, in photos andvideos, of the wellsprings of creativity in Europe and elsewhere inthe world, with recommendations, reports, exclusive interviews andspecial favorites. Discover new fields of interest or simply letyourself be guided, moved, enraptured or carried away!Most of the content comes straight from ARTE's magazines, newsprograms, web offers and documentaries. It covers every aspect ofculture, from opera to electro, classical dance to hip-hop,painting to street-art and film to video games – not forgetting TVseries and literature.
Tracks - ARTE 1.8.6
RETROUVEZ L’EMISSION TRACKS D'ARTE ENRICHIESUR VOS TABLETTES ET SMARTPHONES !Depuis 18 ans sur la chaîne ARTE, TRACKS explore, raconte et révèleune géographie inédite du monde culturel.TRACKS devient aujourd’hui un magazine global qui entre dans vosvies au quotidien.Chaque samedi soir, vivez une expérience inédite enrichie de bonusvidéos, photos, sons, bons plans.Chaque jour, soyez informés en temps réel grâce aux news etdécouvrez en avant-première des nouveaux artistes, modes et façonsde vivre en provenance du monde entier.Voyagez dans les archives de l’émission ou invitez-vous à l’écranen envoyant vos contributions.Bref, vous êtes prêts pour un very good trip ?FIND THE ISSUE OF ARTETRACKS ON ENHANCED YOUR SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS!For 18 years on ARTE, TRACKS explores says and reveals a uniquegeography of the cultural world.TRACKS today becomes a global magazine that goes into your dailylives.Every Saturday night, live a unique experience enriched with bonusvideos, photos, sounds, tips.Every day, be informed in real time thanks to the news and see apreview of new artists, modes and ways of life from around theworld.Travel to the show's archives or invite you to the screen bysending your contributions.In short, you are ready for a very good trip?